So friends .. we have got a very burning and hot topic to discuss . I got this idea on this saturday night .. when two of my friends created chaos in party . When they started it was just them but after few moment many other joined them . You people must have seen them IT WAS NO MORE BETTER THAN A BATTLE GROUND.. believe me friends I was just completely shocked ..
Although I took girls side but even them GUYS were good enough to make us shy ... I don't say that they won the battle ......... because .. CHILL FRIENDS WE ARE AFTER ALL GALS that can make any thing possible .... so WHAT THE HECK THESE BIYS ARE ??
Now its time for me to prove that BOYZZ ARE NO MORE LESS IN FASHION .. Ain't they ..
Now look at these guys ... Although these are pics just copied from google... But friends can any one say that THEY LIVE THOUSAND MILES AWAY FROM FASHION AND THESE GUYS REALLY DON'T CONCERN TO THEIR LOOK .......................what a fish is this when they say GALS TOOK MORE TIME TO GET READY !!!!!!!!!!

Here are few points that my friends discussed rather I can say, points on WHICH THEY ARGUED UPON..
Tanvi : Boys r more fashionable than gals .. bcoz to attract gals they have to b more fashionable .
Abhishek : Gals r more fashionable becoz .. they r more concern when any boy passes with out noticing them .
Tanvi : If gals r more fashionable .. then it reflects that GALS R MORE INTELLIGENT N SPECIFIC TO IT...
So frnds ISN'T IT INTERESTING ... For any suggestion write me at :
And if you wish you can add your interesting COMMENTS ..