Oops! She did it again! she hit the top spot ONE MORE TIME! but it’s no surprise... well, "it's BRITNEY, b*tch!"—and it’s only her!!!
These are a few of Britney's photos that I like. Seeing pictures of her makes me nostalgic, my thoughts take me back to the time when I used to really really adore her!
I love her ever since she walked through that high school floor, until now that she's gliding on poles.

her "i'm a slave for u" performance at the 2001 VMAs which nearly took my breath away
At those times, piracy was not rampant yet, and back then, I never thought that it's possible to download songs via internet. So, what I did was save my money and buy her original albums on the day of the release (I did that when I bought "in the zone"), or if not, within the first week (when I bought "Greatest hits: My prerogative"). That’s because I desperately want her albums to be #1 in the Billboard charts. I am so proud to be one of the lucky fans around the world who was able to get a copy of her Limited Edition Greatest hits: My Prerogative Remix Bonus Disc. All of my favorite Britney hits are in this album, including the Chris Cox megamix of all her megahits. too bad i don't have her 'blackout' album yet.
What’s with Britney, in the first place? Everyone is like hating her, but I, for some reason, still love her and her music. She drives me crazy!!! I guess I’ll forever be diagnosed with 'Britney'-psychosis.
The main reason why I am so grateful for Britney is because she taught me how to dance! I mean, literally! I have her Britney: The Videos album and I used to sing and dance along with her. Had I not known Britney, I wouldn't know how to dance! And dancing is LIFE for me… aside from music. So I have her to thank for that.
I remembered how I got so emotional while watching MTV Specials like the Diary of Britney Spears (yes, I realize I was a little over-reacting). I’m sure not everyone knows that she has a foundation, the Britney Spears Foundation, it's a venue for unfortunate kids who have talents, and she's giving them hope to pursue their dreams. I just don't know if this still exists, knowing what is happening to her right now, she has probably forgot about it.
The point is everyone keeps judging her when they haven’t even seen yet the deeper side of her! I don’t know her personally, but I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt, anyway. All she’s asking is some privacy, a little time off. But she was deprived of it, and now, she can’t find her way back to sanity again. *sob*
To hell with all those who keep on mocking her on tabloids! Despite the mockery-- her album made it all the way to NUMBER ONE in the U.S. Billboard, EFFORTLESS! Nobody can stop Britney Spears from getting all the way to the top.
And it’s been wonderful reminiscing and discovering how this amazing pop superstar became a huge part of my life…